DIY Drop Cloth Rosette Pillow Cover Tutorial

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I've been wanting to resurrect this old project for awhile now and make it a bit more my current style. This DIY rosette pillow cover was a hit then, and I'm excited to have a similar one now! The last design was super yellow with an offset rosette. I am loving the offset rosette and will probably do another similar to that. But for today, here's the new design but with drop cloth!

The supplies are simple on this...but it will take a bit of time depending on your time. It's a good project to do while watching a move or the NHL playoffs like I did :)

Hot Glue

The drop cloth I used was a 5x5, and I used almost all of it on these rosettes. So if you are wanting to make more than one pillow cover, I would suggest getting a bigger size. Also, don't do what I did and buy one with a plastic backing. Taking that backing off was annoying.
Step 1:
Cut the seams off, and then start a cut every 1.5" to 2" inches. Rip the rest of the way down to the end. 
Step 2:
Find a place to start the first rosette. Twist the drop cloth strip and hot glue at the end.
Continue twisting and gluing around in a circle. Just glue every inch or so, no need to glue the whole strip.
When done, glue the end and try to tuck it under if possible.
Step 3: 
Start another rosette far enough away to make it a decent size. 
Step 4:
When you have a cluster of rosettes, you'll probably have an empty space in the middle.
Fill this in by following the along the edge until their it's filled.

Step 5:
If you want a bigger rosette and run out of strip length. Simply end the rosette, and glue the end in place...
And then then start in the same place with a new twisted strip.
Step 6:
When it comes to an edge, you'll want to end the strip there, and then start around on the other side again.

I find that it's less tedious if you keep the edges jagged and long on the edges, and then cut them from the back when you're done.

And that's it! You can do the whole thing, or just a portion of it to achieve a similar look as below. 

You can imagine how thick and heavy this is with a full drop cloth pretty much on all the hot glue :) 
Now it's time to move it around my house and see where I like it the most. I'm excited to make more of these in different designs! I just need to go buy a larger drop cloth :) I had no idea this would use almost the whole thing! 

pin for later:

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happy DIYing! Alicia